The Video compiled by the Saskatchewan Chamber of Commerce for the 2012 ABEX Awards for S & E Trusted Online Directories- owner of the Trusted group of websites -, and who were one of the five finalist in the Marketing category.
| January 14, 2012 13:51 from Trusted Regina: is very proud to announce that Galon Insurance, our Trusted Regina( and Saskatoon) Insurance partner has been honored by CAFE ( The Candian Association of Family Enterprise), as they win the Family Enterprise of the year achievement award 2012! click here for the full story from Trusted Regina blog.
Galon Team
In Other Trusted News
Another of our Trusted partners also received some exciting news this week..Adele Kulyk the founder/owner of Global Healthcare Connection Inc, was infomed she has been nominated for a SABEX Award for New Business Venture of the year! Adele is a true expert in her field and she deserves all the recoginition she receives. Adele is a Health and Wellness expert on . Trusted wishes her the best , and hopes to be celebrating with her when finalists are announced in April!
It has been a positive and wonderful week for Trusted and it's partners across the province...1 award for Galon,a SABEX Nomination for Global Healthcare and multiple SABEX Nominations for ,the Saskatoon Directory of experts and excellence!
Also this week we celebrated the launch of the PINK HOUSE Campaign, by Campbell Homes a Trusted Home builder. The Saskatoon Pink House will benefit The Saskatoon Breast Health Centre and is a proud sponsor! Click Here to donate to this great cause!
Stay Trusted my friends..SAFE and TRUSTED of course!